Tailored Adult Living

Respite/Short Stays

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The Residences on Yonge is a place of respite, allowing caregivers the ability to relax and have peace of mind knowing their loved one will be professionally taken care of in a safe environment. Our private suites are fully furnished with modern amenities such as telephone, television, and an emergency response system, providing both those who visit us for respite stays and our residents with that extra layer of security.

  • What is Respite?

    In this case, respite would be a rest or relief from caregiving. The word respite means a short period of rest or relief from something difficult. The Residences on Yonge can help a caregiver by offering support for a period of time.

    The role of being a caregiver is demanding both physically and mentally which can lead to burnout. Taking a respite and having that extra support can allow the caregiver to focus on themselves, have a break, get recharged and take time to assess the situation.

  • Why you or someone you know may need respite?

    • You need a mental or physical break from caregiving
    • You are going on a holiday
    • You or the person you are caregiving for is having a medical procedure
    • Your loved one could benefit from more engagement
    •  Trial stay before committing to a permanent change.
  • The Residences on Yonge makes it easy for you

    • We will provide you with 24-hour staff, including nursing care.
    • Four different levels of care depending on the individual needs.
    • We provide the furniture, hospital bed, side table, dresser, chair, and TV.
    • Three meals per day plus additional snacks
    • And more, depending on your needs

    Sometimes Respite is exactly what a caregiver needs to strengthen the connection between two people. When a caregiver has increased support, they often have more time to enjoy one another’s company rather than being the caregiver all the time.

Please reach out to find out more information regarding our short stay and respite program. Please call 905-724-3211

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